By: Caroline Meister and Jennay Leslie
Cleveland native Stephen Buchholz earned his B.A. in Biochemistry from Depauw University. While Stephen has never worked in the healthcare field, he is fascinated by the body and maintaining “wellness.” Originally Stephen intended to go to college to study medicine; however, he is now a science educator at Wagner High School in Louisville. Stephen’s fascination with the healthcare industry has continued to grow, and he now uses the Governor’s Scholars Program to spread his fascination with other scholars. In his free time, Stephen enjoys creating his sports podcast, coaching soccer, spending time with his wife, and volunteering at a nonprofit organization in Louisville. Although Stephen was never a scholar, he would have loved to be in the astronomy focus area.
Walking into the healthcare classroom, one can immediately notice the close connections that the scholars have with each other. Stephen mentioned how the class consists of very diverse personalities, which is the factor he believes that brings them closer together. When asked about the class, Alexis Wright replied with, “My favorite part about the class is how open we are with each other. Because of our relationship we are able to talk about serious topics and grow closer in our friendship.” The scholars just recently created commercials about public health issues that have had an impact on their lives. These commercials consist of content about vaping, mental health issues, teen pregnancy, alcohol abuse, opioid addiction, donating to blood drives, and many more. A few of the commercials created were shown during community meeting.
Stephen started the 2019 healthcare class with creating a list about what the scholars were interested in learning. Scholars anxiously raised their hands to share their desired topics. This list consisted of CPR, medicine around the world, interconnectedness in hospitals,
occupations within the field, surgery, cadavers, biomedical innovations, and more. The class has recently taken field trips to Jewish Hospital and a cadaver lab in Louisville. The class has also constructed a real life paper mache skeleton to whom they call “Stephan.”
After spending a day with future healthcare professionals, we can ensure the future is bright for the field.