By: Ellie McGowan, Caroline Meister, and Lane Hawn
Louisvillian commuters witnessed the annual GSP Olympics on Saturday evening outside of Owsley Brown Frazier Stadium. Scholars and staff participated in team-building activities, providing competitive events for some friendly scholar versus scholar competition.
Alongside their fellow General Studies/Seminar classes, scholars participated in many “Olympic Games.” Moving from station to station, scholars created bonds and memories by racing trivia facts from one field to another, making a dress out of toilet paper, and having sing off competitions. Although there were no Michael Phelpses, Usain Bolts, or Gabby Douglases, scholars still had a blast competing against the brightest minds in the state.
Throughout the Olympic Games, students often found themselves absorbed with the idea that one team was victorious over another. In reality, the event ended without a medal ceremony. Although this type of community is not mainstream, we practice this method of collective achievement in order to build the confidence of all, rather than that of just one individual. In our GSP community, the goal is for all participants to have the opportunity to grow. We are all team-builders, encouragers, friends, scholars, and gold medalists.
Here, we have some Olympic highlights that showcase the event: