By: Lane Hawn
What is cultural anthropology? The term “anthropology” is defined as “the study of human societies, as well as their culture and development.” We as Americans can quickly forget that there are multitudes of cultures outside of our own. Ellen Mitchell’s goal for cultural anthropology is for her scholars to see through an anthropologist’s perspective by studying how humans interact, share power, and express community.
Cultures that seem foreign to us can occasionally seem “weird” or make us feel uncomfortable because we are ignorant to the ideas and beliefs of cultures other than our own. The idea of cultural anthropology is to celebrate various cultures in an attempt to understand why people believe and think the way they do.
One way Ellen opens the eyes and expands the ways of thinking of her scholars is distributing the book Possibilities: Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion, and Desire by David Graeber. Ellen described the book as “a window into academic discipline through a different way than before.” Ellen also described the author as an activist that is interested in the idea of consensus, that also is seen as an outsider in a world of A-listers. A legion of perspectives is required in the anthropology field. This book has a very unestablished look on anthropology, which challenges the commonplace views already established in the field.
Another way the cultural anthropology focus area plans to celebrate the varied cultures while here at GSP is by orchestrating a culture fair. Indian, French, eastern/western Kentucky, African-American, and Native American cultures are a few that will be celebrated at the fair. Scholars and staff alike will have the opportunity to showcase their culture, while educating and expressing the principles of their religion and/or background.
Diversity is something that deserves to be celebrated. Ellen strives to educate the scholars in her focus area to be aware of how different and similar some cultures can be.